Helping Irondequoit Plan for Progress


Quicklee’s Opens at Titus and Hudson Corner!

We are proud to announce the opening of the Quicklee’s Store in the heart of the Titus-Cooper-Hudson District. HIPP worked diligently for 6 months with the Quicklee’s development team, the Town Planning Board, and residential neighbors to create this shining new business that adheres to the Mixed Use Zoning Code and the Master Plan Design Guidelines. HIPP is grateful and deeply appreciative to Quicklee’s for going above and beyond by providing pedestrian connections with their sidewalk, and re-using the 73 year old building.

Taqueria on Titus!

HIPP is excited that Monte Alban will be opening a 2nd location in Irondequoit in the former Cam’s Pizza building on Titus Avenue. Monte Alban will retain their main restaurant on Ridge Road. They will have an outdoor patio on Titus with a roof – easy walking and biking for your favorite Mexican food!

Congrats to Sophia and Finn

HUGE CONGRATULATIONS! HIPP celebrated the installation of art work by award winning Irondequoit HS seniors Finn Button and Sophia Tobin into the public kiosk in front of the Evans & McGraw Learning Center near the corner of Cooper and Titus. On one side of the kiosk is historic walking tour information and the other is artwork by the Heidi Hoenig Scholarship winners, Finn and Sophia. HIPP worked with the Town of Irondequoit and the West Irondequoit School District to fund and install this community kiosk. HIPP gathered with Sophia, Finn, members of Heidi Hoenig’s family, and I.H.S Art Teacher Extraordinaire Sue Jacobs to celebrate the installation.

Congratulations Sophia and Finn!

24 Years of Flowers on Titus

Hard working crew making Titus shine for the summer! THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU to all our HIPP volunteers planting and watering for all the summer months! This is the 24th year that HIPP has provided and maintained the flowers on Titus Avenue!

New Rite Aid Sign

HIPP works diligently to ensure that new commercial development in the Titus-Cooper-Hudson Neighborhood adheres to the Mixed Use Zoning Code and the Master Plan Design Guidelines. Since the Master Plan was approved, HIPP has advocated on almost 6 dozen commercial and sign applications, providing written comments and appearing before the Planning Board, Zoning Board, and Town Board. Here's the latest success at Rite Aid!

Little Free Library

More public art for the Titus-Cooper-Hudson District!!! HIPP was fortunate to have I.H.S. artists Nora VanDerMeid and Madison Anderson turn a newspaper box from Batavia News into this clever Little Free Library featuring Irondequoit’s agricultural history and farm stands. Huge thanks also to Irondequoit artist Craig Wilson who was instrumental in the conversion of the newspaper box.

Irondequoit’s latest Little Library is next to the memorial bench at the Irondequoit United Church of Christ on Titus Avenue. Stop by to grab a book or drop a book!

Neighborhood Enhancement Program

This successful citizen-led budget initiative spearheaded by the Town of Irondequoit has allowed HIPP to further implement the Titus-Cooper-Hudson Master Plan. Begun in 2015, the NEP has helped HIPP provide the following:

    2017-2018 - 2 Sided Public Kiosk at 45 Cooper Road (See more in the Public Art Section of the Website)
    2019 – Design of a raised planted traffic calming median on Hudson Avenue at Titus Avenue.
    2022 – Planted 8 large flower pots on Titus Avenue and Cooper Road

You can learn more about the Neighborhood Enhancement Program here.

Sidewalk Addition
June, 2020

After many years, HIPP’s application to the Town of Irondequoit for federal Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funding has been approved to install a concrete sidewalk from the Titus entrance of Irondequoit Plaza over to Hudson Avenue to make this important pedestrian connection. Thank you Town of Irondequoit!

Chase Bank Parking Lot Reconstruction

Working with representatives of Chase Bank and the Town Planning Board, HIPP helped influence the important renovation of this essential corner in the heart of our town. HIPP began working on planning the re-design of this shared parking area in 2006.

Holiday Decorating on Titus

Our holiday decorations line Titus every year! Stay tuned for photos.

Summer Flower Pots

Since 1999 HIPP has orchestrated the planting of flowers in the Titus-Cooper-Hudson Neighborhood. A small army of dedicated volunteers keep these watered all summer long!

Walking Tour with Tour Blend
July, 2020

The south side of the community kiosk in front of the Evans-McGraw Learning Center (45 Cooper Road) houses past, present, and future information about the Titus.Cooper.Hudson Neighborhood. This includes a wayfinding map of the area, historic photos with descriptions, and a link to access digital walking information about the neighborhood from Tour Blend. Get the app and enjoy the tours! tourblend.com

Planted Spaces

Besides the Titus Flower Pots, HIPP also planted and maintains the hosta bed in front of the Evans & McGraw Learning Center (45 Cooper Road) and the tall pots in front of the former Cam’s Pizza Shop.

Hudson Median
Work in Progress

HIPP is working hard applying for funding to implement the design of the Traffic Calming Median on Hudson Avenue at Titus Avenue. This median will offer an important connection for pedestrians, and especially our students, travelling to and from school each day.